About PepperforPets
PepperforPets was created by family and friends, Jamie, Diane and Darren. In 2018, the group of three started their 'home culture' project of phytoplankton and copepods for their always-hungry saltwater fish. At that time, Jamie was working on his part-time Masters degree in Marine Biology and this turned out to be a great scientific project for his study, and beyond too. Our home-cultured phytoplankton and copepods were shared with our friends and local aquarist communities first (we even had someone driving from Glasgow/Aberdeen to collect...), before it attracted huge interests from hobbyists online. This has prompted us to expand our culturing facilities and introduce, thanks to Jamie's scientific expertise in Marine Biology, strict culturing protocol and innovative system designs for upscalling.
PepperforPet's first microscope (Olympus) bought by Jamie for quality control purpose.
In 2022, PepperforPets launched their first online shop on Ebay and Facebook Marketplace, further expanding into Etsy and Amazon marketplace in 2023. So far, we have registered more than 2500 sales, including more than 1000 unique customers across the UK and Europe.
In 2024, due to the high demand from our growing customer base as well as increasing number of business partners, PepperforPets set up a new culturing facility with a capacity of 250L phytoplankton and 50L plankton production per week.
In January 2025, PepperforPets launched their website 'PepperforPets.co.uk'. An exciting journey now begins! One thing has not changed: 'Creating Lively Aquaria for You' has always been what PepperforPets are thriving for.
Oh... Just in case you wonder why we are called 'Pepper' for Pets. This is our family dog, Pepper, a salt-and-pepper miniature schnauzer. One of his favourite things is to stay with us in our warm (sometimes too warm for Jamie and Darren...) phytoplankton culturing facility and watch the air bubbles going up in the cylinder. Before any parcels can be shipped from PepperforPets, they must be approved by Pepper first!